NW Tas 256km Radar/Lightning

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Bureau of Meteorology Weather Radar

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Radar Details

West Takone Weather Watch Radar
41.1810°S  145.5790°E  400m AMSL

LocationLoones Hill, West Takone Radar TypeWSR 81 C Band Typical Availability24 hours

The radar coverage is 360 degrees and encompasses much of Bass Strait, Tasmania's northwest, central north and to a lesser extent, the northeast and the west coast as far south as Strahan. The coverage to the south is limited in range by the Central Plateau. In all this radar has proven to be an invaluable forecasting and monitoring tool. False echoes are sometimes viewed close in from the nearby pine plantations particularly in damp conditions. Anomalous propagation from Bass Strait cause similar echoes. Permanent echo suppression and swept gain characteristics take care of the majority of these.

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Generation gone with the wind

13:20 AEST A weeklong stretch of low wind power was broken on Wednesday evening, as a weak cold front marched across southern Australia.  The chart below shows that the National Electricity Market (NEM) has endured a weeklong stretch of low wind generation, with wind power providing around 6% of the NEM’s electricity, down from last year’s average of 13.1% (Mon, April 15 to Wed, April 17).

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