Brisbane Marburg 128km Radar/Lightning

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Bureau of Meteorology Weather Radar

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Radar Details

Marburg Weather Watch Radar
27.6080°S  152.5390°E  372m AMSL

LocationMarburg Radar TypeWSR 74 S Band Typical Availability24 hours

Situated at 370m on the Little Liverpool Range between Marburg and Rosewood and 53 km west of the Brisbane GPO this radar has a good overall view of precipitation in all sectors. However, there is some restriction on detection of low level precipitation in a narrow sector to the west southwest and over the Greater Brisbane Area. It is a fairly sensitive radar and sometimes detects virga (precipitation that does not reach the ground). This may give a false impression of rainfall affecting the area it covers.

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Generation gone with the wind

13:20 AEST A weeklong stretch of low wind power was broken on Wednesday evening, as a weak cold front marched across southern Australia.  The chart below shows that the National Electricity Market (NEM) has endured a weeklong stretch of low wind generation, with wind power providing around 6% of the NEM’s electricity, down from last year’s average of 13.1% (Mon, April 15 to Wed, April 17).

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