Australian Weather

Northern Territory Queensland Tasmania South Australia New South Wales/ACT Western Australia Victoria Australia map
Adelaide 17/30
mostly sunny
possible shower
Brisbane 21/30
possible thunderstorm
Cairns 25/31
Canberra 16/34
late shower
possible thunderstorm
Darwin 26/31
Hobart 14/21
late shower
mostly cloudy
Melbourne 19/25
Perth 21/36
mostly sunny
Sydney 21/30
possible thunderstorm
Townsville 24/29

current extremes current extremes

SE 53km/h
38.8mm last hr

forecast summary current national summary

Widespread rain & storms are impacting Qld & the NT in an active monsoon, leading to flooding in north Qld. Showers & storms, some intense, are occurring in parts of WA & NSW in troughs. Winds across the country's south & west are hot. Highs are keeping the south largely dry.

forecast summary capital cities

Sydney 21°C 30°C Sunny
Melbourne 19°C 25°C Mostly cloudy
Brisbane 21°C 30°C Possible shower
Perth 21°C 36°C Mostly sunny
Adelaide 17°C 30°C Mostly sunny
Canberra 16°C 34°C Late shower
Hobart 14°C 21°C Late shower
Darwin 26°C 31°C Possible thunderstorm

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'Too hot to go for a swim': WA town endures three days of 49°C

13:30 AEDT There’s hot, there's fry an egg on your car roof, and then there's the almost unbearable heat that locals have endured this week in the town of Gascoyne Junction, Western Australia.

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