Agriculture Weather



Southern Oscillation Index

The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is calculated from the monthly or seasonal fluctuations in the air pressure difference between Tahiti and Darwin.

A strongly and consistently positive SOI pattern (e.g. consistently above about +6 over a two month period) is related to a high probability of above the long-term average (median) rainfall for many areas of Australia, especially areas of eastern Australia (including northern Tasmania) - La Niņa.

Conversely, a 'deep' and consistently negative SOI pattern (less than about minus 6 over a two month period, with little change over that period) is related to a high probability of below median rainfall for many areas of Australia at certain times of the year - El Niņo.

However, it is important to remember that the pattern of relationship between SOI and rainfall (and temperature) can vary depending on the particular season and region. Additionally, the change in SOI over a specified period can be as important in understanding relationships between SOI and rainfall as is the absolute value in SOI.

Southern Oscillation Index


Nino3.4 Index


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Shiseido Tahiti Surf Pro forecast

13:40 AEST After an emotional mid-season cut, and an exciting final which saw Australian Jack Robinson claim the win at Margaret River, the World Surf League tour is off to the spectacular and monstrous waves at Teahupo'o in Tahiti, French Polynesia.  Teahupo'o was for a long time not even considered a wave, with the mass of the ocean folding over itself into deadly shallow reef.

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