Mornington Is 256km Radar/Lightning

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Bureau of Meteorology Weather Radar

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Radar Details

Mornington Island Weather Watch Radar
16.6660°S  139.1670°E  7m AMSL

LocationGununa Radar TypeWF 100 C Band Typical Availability24 hours

Mornington Island radar has a good view of the surrounding area - mostly the Gulf of Carpentaria and low lying coastal areas of the Gulf country. Sea-breeze convergence lines can return false echoes (anomalous propagation), as can strong temperature inversions in the lower levels of the atmosphere. Path attenuation also occurs when the radar beam passes through an intense thunderstorm cell; the returned signal from cells further along that path will be reduced. Apart from these features, the radar performs well and gives a reasonably accurate representation of rainfall intensity.

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Bonsoy Gold Coast Pro surf forecast

07:00 AEST After an emotional mid-year cut at the Margaret River Pro surf competition in Western Australia last week, surfers that fell below the cut line, along with up-and-coming talent, will be battling it out on the Gold Coast from this weekend onwards.  The first stop on the Challenger Series (the lesser format of the Championship Tour) will take place along the Gold Coast’s premier surf point breaks, starting this morning and running to Saturday May 4th.

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