Ceduna 256km Radar/Lightning

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Bureau of Meteorology Weather Radar

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Radar Details

Ceduna Weather Watch Radar
South Australia
32.1298°S  133.6963°E  33m AMSL

LocationCeduna Airport, SA Radar TypeWurrung - 2502C Typical Availability24 hours

The Ceduna radar is located at the Meteorological Office which is 3 km east of the township of Ceduna. The surrounding terrain is generally low lying and featureless. The waters of the Great Australian Bight are about 5 km to the southwest of the radar. The radar antenna elevation is 25 metres above sea level. The radar has very good coverage in all directions up to a range of about 250 km. "False echoes" or Anomalous Propagation (AP) can occur on limited occasions in summer where a sea breeze inversion becomes established over the coastal waters. AP can be identified by its static appearance and can normally be distinguished from "real" echoes which exhibit some movement. Heavy rain directly over the radar site can cause attenuation of all signals. Path attenuation can also occur when the radar beam passes through intense rainfall, with the returned signal from cells further along that path reduced.

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