Weather Warnings - Flood Warning - Herbert River

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland

Final Flood Warning For The Herbert River
Issued at 08:14 AM EST on Thursday 26 December 2024
Flood Warning Number: 8

River levels across the Herbert River catchment continue to slowly ease on Thursday.
Scattered showers are forecast about the North Tropical Coast on Thursday, tending to isolated showers on Friday. No significant rainfall has been recorded in the 24 hours to 9am Thursday, with 5-25 mm recorded across the upper Herbert River catchment. No significant rainfall is forecast for the next few days.

Herbert River to Nash's Crossing:
River levels are easing across the upper Herbert River to Nash's Crossing. Flooding is no longer expected.
No recent observations are available for Gleneagle manual gauge, however based on the nearby automatic gauge the river level is estimated to be below the minor flood level and steady.
The Herbert River at Gleneagle will remain below the minor flood level (4.50 m) during the next few days.

Herbert River downstream of Nash's Crossing:

Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it's flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.}
Current emergency information is available at

Next issue:
This is a final warning, no further warnings will be issued for this event.

Latest River Heights:
Wild R at Silver Valley TM,2.16,Steady,06:00 AM THU 26/12/24
Rudd Ck at Gunnawarra TM,3.64,Steady,07:00 AM THU 26/12/24
Herbert R at Gleneagle Homestead,Not Available,Not Available,Not Available
Herbert R at Gleneagle TM,2.97,Steady,07:00 AM THU 26/12/24
Blencoe Creek at Blencoe Falls TM,2.22,Steady,07:00 AM THU 26/12/24
Herbert R at Nashs Crossing Alert,1.75,Steady,06:03 AM THU 26/12/24
Herbert R at Zattas Alert,Not Available,Not Available,Not Available
Herbert R at Abergowrie Alert,3.27,Falling,07:35 AM THU 26/12/24
Herbert R at Abergowrie Br Alert,2.90,Falling,08:13 AM THU 26/12/24
Stone R at Peacock Siding Alert,0.90,Steady,06:20 AM THU 26/12/24
Herbert R at Trebonne Alert,3.75,Falling,07:58 AM THU 26/12/24
Herbert R at Ingham Pump Stn TM,3.49,Steady,07:00 AM THU 26/12/24
Herbert R at Gairloch (Auto) Alert,3.04,Falling,08:03 AM THU 26/12/24
Herbert R at Halifax Alert,1.61,Steady,07:45 AM THU 26/12/24
Lucinda Pt Tide TM,2.94,Steady,07:26 AM THU 26/12/24

This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at The latest weather forecast is available at

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