Wellington Weather

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Oceania map
possible shower
Apia  25/28 
heavy rain
Auckland  10/16 
Christchurch  6/10 
mostly cloudy
showers increasing
Honiara  24/29 
mostly cloudy
Nadi  22/31 
Noumea  19/21 
mostly cloudy
possible thunderstorm
Tahiti  24/25 
Wellington  12/13 

forecast Wellington Forecast

  forecast min max
°C °C
Sun icon
Clearing shower 11 14
Mon icon
Rain 12 13
Tue icon
Windy with rain 8 9
Wed icon
Mostly sunny 7 12
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Cocos Keeling Islands Weather Forecasts for Monday

city forecast min max chance of rain UV index
°C °C

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Looks like winter is back in Victoria

19:09 AEST A wintry cold front crossed Australia's southeast today and the anticipated cold snap was felt all across the state of Victoria, with cities across the state seeing maximum temperatures 3 to 10 degrees below their September average.    Fig.

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