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How do I find observations?

There are numerous ways to locate and display observation. For detailed current and past observations click the current conditions link on the left of the home page and select your desired state.

The latest weather observations from your state will appear grouped by district. To group all observations together click station on the top left of screen. By default observations will be ordered alphabetically.

To order observations by weather criterion click on the appropriate link at the top of the page. For example, to order observations from hottest to coldest click on tmp. Observations in a lighter shade are synoptic reports which normally only report twice daily at 9am and 3pm. To view synoptic reports alone click the link on the top right of screen.

Synoptic reports are manual observations made by human observers and include visibility, cloud cover and worded current weather statements. All other observations are from automatic weather stations which report conditions every 10 minutes, half hourly or hourly. For past observations use the select date link in the top right of screen. For definitions of the various weather elements, such as temperature, wind etc, see the glossary.

Observations are also available in an easy to read map display. From the home page click your state on the map or its name below the map. On the Today?s state page click current in the top centre to display current temperatures, wind direction and wind speed for a selection of towns.

To zoom into a district click the district on the map or its name below the map. For more detailed observations for a specific town click on the towns name from the district map.

A more detailed map display of observations is available using Stormtracker. From the home page click the weather maps link on the left and choose Stormtracker. To zoom in click a region name above the map.

To display observations tick the observations box below the map and tick the fields you wish to display on the right then hit the refresh button. For more information on using the Stormtracker see the FAQ.

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Decent rain en route to bone-dry southwest WA

14:29 AEST Welcome rain is coming to the parched southwest WA this week, possibly including Perth and Bunbury which are both having their driest 7 months on record.  Many locations in the southwest will see the driest April on record, with much of this rainfall likely to contribute to May’s totals, as a cold front approaches the state on later in the week.  Rainfall and thunderstorms are forecast in the Gascoyne region on Monday afternoon, before shifting to the Central West, Lower West and Central Wheatbelt regions on Tuesday.

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