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Satellite and Radar

Where can I find images of other countries?

There are plenty of websites that offer satellite images of the entire globe. One of the best is which allows you to choose which section of the world that you want to look at. You are also able to animate these images. If you are particularly interested in longitudes surrounding Australia, an excellent image is which is the latest image from the GMS satellite. This is in false-colour to make it easier to detect high clouds which may indicate deep convection.

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Decent rain en route to bone-dry southwest WA

14:29 AEST Welcome rain is coming to the parched southwest WA this week, possibly including Perth and Bunbury which are both having their driest 7 months on record.  Many locations in the southwest will see the driest April on record, with much of this rainfall likely to contribute to May’s totals, as a cold front approaches the state on later in the week.  Rainfall and thunderstorms are forecast in the Gascoyne region on Monday afternoon, before shifting to the Central West, Lower West and Central Wheatbelt regions on Tuesday.

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