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Satellite and Radar

What is the difference between a forecast rain chart and the rainfall radar chart?

The forecast rain charts are manually prepared charts, which show the probability of rain occurring around the country on any particular day. They are based on computer models and are not related to rainfall that is currently occurring (although current rain may be taken into account in the production of the charts).

The rainfall radar shows rainfall that is currently occurring in the vicinity of the radar location. This is not a forecast and can only give a guide to what will happen over the next hour or so. Radar is the best guide for "now-casting", that is, working out what is happening now and what will happen over the next hour or so. The forecast rain charts are the best guide for what will happen in the longer term, out to 7 days.

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Decent rain en route to bone-dry southwest WA

14:29 AEST Welcome rain is coming to the parched southwest WA this week, possibly including Perth and Bunbury which are both having their driest 7 months on record.  Many locations in the southwest will see the driest April on record, with much of this rainfall likely to contribute to May’s totals, as a cold front approaches the state on later in the week.  Rainfall and thunderstorms are forecast in the Gascoyne region on Monday afternoon, before shifting to the Central West, Lower West and Central Wheatbelt regions on Tuesday.

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