Northern Tablelands Weather

forecast summary district forecast

possible thunderstorm

Sunday Mostly sunny. Slight chance of a shower in the S, most likely in the afternoon and evening. Near zero chance of rain elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm in the S in the afternoon and evening. Winds W 20 to 30 km/h becoming light in the evening.

possible thunderstorm

Monday Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the morning and afternoon. The chance of a thunderstorm on and E of the ranges. Light winds becoming W 15 to 25 km/h in the morning then becoming light in the evening.

possible thunderstorm

Tuesday Mostly sunny. Areas of morning frost in the S. Slight chance of a shower in the N, near zero chance elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm near the Queensland border. Light winds.

possible shower

Wednesday Partly cloudy. The chance of morning fog on and E of the ranges. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon and evening. Light winds becoming NW/NE 15 to 20 km/h during the morning then becoming light during the afternoon.

Issued Sun 00:23 EST

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Very warm September morning for parts of NSW

15:25 AEST A trough and cold front dragged warm air across NSW and Vic on Friday causing daytime maximum temperatures to soar more than 10 degrees above the mean for some areas.

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