Southwest Slopes Weather

forecast summary district forecast

mostly sunny

Friday Mostly sunny. Winds E 25 to 40 km/h.

cloud increasing

Saturday Sunny. Winds E 25 to 35 km/h.

possible thunderstorm

Sunday Cloudy. High chance of rain. The chance of a thunderstorm in the N. Heavy falls possible in the N. Winds E 20 to 30 km/h.

clearing shower

Monday Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the morning. Winds E/SE 15 to 20 km/h turning S during the morning then tending SE during the evening.

Issued Thu 23:25 EST

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Landfall won't be the end of Alfred's impacts ? what to expect in the coming days

09:56 AEDT Tropical Cyclone Alfred’s severe weather will affect parts of Queensland and NSW for several days, with heavy rain and flooding to persist long after the system makes landfall.

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