ACT Weather

forecast summary district forecast

possible thunderstorm

Friday Sunny morning. Medium chance of showers in the afternoon and evening. The chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon and evening, possibly severe. Light winds.

possible thunderstorm

Saturday Partly cloudy. Very high chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon and early evening. The chance of a thunderstorm. Light winds becoming E 15 to 20 km/h in the late afternoon then becoming light in the evening.

possible thunderstorm

Sunday Cloudy. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon. The chance of a thunderstorm. Light winds becoming SE 15 to 25 km/h during the morning.

possible thunderstorm

Monday Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds SE 15 to 25 km/h.

clearing shower

Tuesday Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers, most likely during the morning. Winds S/SE 15 to 20 km/h tending E/SE during the day.

Issued Thu 05:25 EST

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'Too hot to go for a swim': WA town endures three days of 49°C

13:30 AEDT There’s hot, there's fry an egg on your car roof, and then there's the almost unbearable heat that locals have endured this week in the town of Gascoyne Junction, Western Australia.

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