Central Wheatbelt Weather

forecast summary district forecast

increasing sunshine

Tuesday Cloud clearing. Light winds becoming SE 15 to 25 km/h in the morning.

cloud increasing

Wednesday Mostly sunny. Winds E/SE 20 to 30 km/h.

cloud increasing

Thursday Sunny. Winds E 20 to 30 km/h becoming light during the evening.

cloud increasing

Friday Mostly sunny. Light winds becoming E/NE 15 to 25 km/h during the morning then tending E/SE 15 to 20 km/h during the afternoon.

Issued Mon 08:25 WST

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Central Wheatbelt Weather Forecasts

forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
increasing sunshine Increasing sunshine
9 21 5% < 1mm Nil S 21 82 - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 21 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
9 19 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 20 5% < 1mm Nil S 22 82 S 22 47
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 22 5% < 1mm Nil SSE 18 85 SSE 21 46
increasing sunshine Increasing sunshine
8 20 5% < 1mm Nil SSE 21 87 - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 20 5% < 1mm Nil SSE 21 86 SSE 20 52
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 22 10% < 1mm Nil SSE 22 84 SSE 22 51
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 23 5% < 1mm Nil SSE 19 57 SSE 23 28
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 20 5% < 1mm Nil SSE 21 83 SSE 21 52
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
7 22 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
9 19 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
8 22 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
6 23 5% < 1mm Nil SSE 21 73 SSE 23 36
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
9 20 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
8 20 5% < 1mm Nil SSE 22 85 S 22 49
mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
9 19 5% < 1mm Nil - - - -

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Aussie snow season just about dead

11:38 AEST Just four mainland Australian ski resorts are still offering skiing and snowboarding this Monday, September 9, with the other four having long since closed their lifts for the 2024 season.

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