Kingston Weather

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Bermuda  19/20 
mostly cloudy
Havana  19/29 
mostly sunny
late shower
Kingston  22/28 
Mexico City  9/22 
mostly sunny
Nassau  23/24 

forecast Kingston Forecast

  forecast min max
°C °C
Fri icon
Late shower 22 28
Sat icon
Showers increasing 23 28
Sun icon
Showers increasing 23 27
Mon icon
Showers increasing 23 27
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Jamaica Weather Forecasts for Friday

city forecast min max chance of rain UV index
°C °C
Kingston icon
Late shower 22 28 80% Very High
Montego Bay icon
Mostly sunny 24 27 30% Very High

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'Too hot to go for a swim': WA town endures three days of 49°C

13:30 AEDT There’s hot, there's fry an egg on your car roof, and then there's the almost unbearable heat that locals have endured this week in the town of Gascoyne Junction, Western Australia.

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