Cayenne Weather

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South America map
Bogota  11/17 
heavy showers
late shower
Buenos Aires  19/28 
clearing shower
Caracas  17/25 
mostly cloudy
Lima  22/25 
late thunder
Rio de Janeiro  25/30 
Santiago  13/31 
mostly sunny

forecast Cayenne Forecast

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Showers 24 27
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Showers 24 27
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Showers 24 27
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Showers 24 27
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French Guiana Weather Forecasts for Friday

city forecast min max chance of rain UV index
°C °C
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Showers 24 27 90% Extreme

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Summer snow in Tasmania this weekend

14:44 AEDT An unseasonably cold air mass will hit southeastern Australia this weekend, causing summer snow to settle in parts of Tasmania.

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