Komsomolskoe Weather

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mostly sunny
Athens  19/26 
clearing shower
Berlin  4/18 
Dublin  10/18 
mostly sunny
Lisbon  21/31 
mostly sunny
mostly cloudy
London  12/20 
mostly sunny
Moscow  13/24 
Oslo  11/14 
Paris  10/21 
mostly cloudy
Rome  14/23 
possible shower
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Russia Weather Forecasts for Monday

city forecast min max chance of rain UV index
°C °C
Moscow icon
Mostly sunny 13 24 5% Moderate
St Petersburg icon
Mostly cloudy 14 24 5% Low
Vladivostok icon
Late shower 14 20 90% High

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Cold early Spring

14:06 AEST Sunday started with subzero temperatures in parts of southeastern Australia, as a cold air mass swept across the region.

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